I am a teacher, a student, a Thermomix consultant and a lover of all things food - creating, cooking, eating and sharing, so I hope you enjoy perusing this blog, feel free to leave comments and have a THERMO day!!

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Friday 8 April 2011

Grown-up Chocolate Custard

This custard is seriously decadent, it uses raw cacao (pronounced ca-cow) powder and muscavado sugar that gives the custard a 'rum and raisin' taste, this would be amazing served with fresh (or frozen I guess) raspberries, don't you think??

Raw cacao powder is like cocoa before it has been heat treated and had sugar added.

Muscavado sugar is very dark brown sugar that has not been refined. It has a strong molasses flavour and is used to make rum!!

I just followed the EDC custard recipe and substituted the normal sugar for muscavado sugar and added 20 grams of the raw cacao.

I milled 80 grams of the muscavado sugar and the raw cacao powder and 50 grams plain flour (or 30 grams corn flour) together 10secs/sp 9.

Then I added 500 grams of full cream milk (any milk works fine) and 2 eggs and cooked it 7mins/90 degs/sp 4

Pour it out into a container and devour!!

Like I said, this custard is very decadent and has a very grown-up taste to it, almost rum and raisin tasting!! The silky smooth texture is just divine!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhoned


  1. yuuuuummm Beth that looks so so good!!!

    Bec x

  2. Can't wait to try this one......just have to find some of the ingredients. You are catering for my sweet tooth that's for sure.

  3. Can you believe I just yesterday bought both the powdered Cacao, and the dark Muscovardo sugar!! Might just have to make it now!! Thanks for the post, its a gorgeous one.
